Thanksgiving Part Two
Medievil Times was a lot of fun. Alia is at the perfect age for this--drama, knights, fighting, love...

The best part of the show was when the knight for our team rode by on his horse, kissed a red carnation and then threw it to Alia. OH-MY-GOSH! She was giddy! It made her night. On the way to car, she told us that, "He kissed the rose. Then I kissed the rose!" (massive giggle attack)

Medievil Times was a lot of fun. Alia is at the perfect age for this--drama, knights, fighting, love...
We fixed her hair as close to Princess Leah from Star Wars as we could.
She wore a princess dress as well.
The best part of the show was when the knight for our team rode by on his horse, kissed a red carnation and then threw it to Alia. OH-MY-GOSH! She was giddy! It made her night. On the way to car, she told us that, "He kissed the rose. Then I kissed the rose!" (massive giggle attack)
A fighting scene.
