I Love When My Baby Says...


When she wants me to put my arm around her...

"Shut the door, Mommy."

When she doesn't want me to say that I love her more...

"I no want you say 'I love you more.'"

When I tell her she is cute...

"I not cute. I am funny!"

When I give her a blue fork...

"Aghhh! I want the orange fork!"

When I give her the orange fork...

"Aghhh! I want the blue fork!"

When she doesn't get her way...

(with a straight face) "Look Mommy, I am so sad. I am crying."

After she burps...

"I gots the hiccups, Mama."

If she doesn't want what I fixed her to eat...

"I don't like that. I will NEVER eat that. Never. Hmph!" (crosses arms, pouts)

When she is sad or tired...

"I want my Mommy." or "I want you, Mama."

When I ask what she wants to do...

"I want to 'nuggle Mama in bed with Dora the Explorer." (comes out like Dora Abora)

