I will admit it. I was confused this Pesach. I made two health appointments months ago, and I miscalculated when the yom tovs would take place. So, each was made on the second day of yom tov--my follow up doctor's appointment last week and tomorrow, my nutritionist/dietitian appointment. The good news is that with my modest diet changes and implementing cardio for 1 hour three times a week, I have LOST five and one-half pounds since March 1st! Go me!!!
It has been wonderful having Carol and Rabbi Neal in town. Even if we haven't had a whole a lot of time, the time we have been able to carve out has been precious to me. Just knowing they are here--in St. Louis--having their energy swirling around here is wonderful. I know this is a wonderful visit for them to have so much of their beloved family and TEN grandchildren here must be such a blessing.
I was telling Rob this afternoon how nice it is to have Ari and family, Michael and Adira, Judith and Or and family, Doris and family (minus Kliel--we miss you) the Rosebuds and of course Carol and Neal all here to contribute their love and energy and teachings and perspectives to services and davening. It just adds an extra dimension that is special.
I have one last day of vacation and then it is back to business! As I stated before, it has been such a nice period of time off. I am renewed!
I will leave you with this poem I found in Parabola: The Search for Meaning, Summer 2005 Edition on Restraint, p. 13. It is by Mary Oliver from her New and Selected Poems, Vol 1, Boston: Beacon Press, 1992, p. 181.
I thought the earth
remembered me, she
took me back so tenderly, arranging
her dark skirts, her pockets
full of lichens and seeds. I slept
as never before, a stone
on the river bed, nothing
between me and the white fire of the stars
but my thoughts, and they floated
light as moths among the branches
of the perfect trees. All night
I heard the small kingdoms breathing
around me, the insects, and the birds
who do their work in the darkness. All night
I rose and fell, as if in water, grappling
with the luminous doom. By morning
I had vanished at least a dozen times
into something better.