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You may notice some additional tabs at the top of the site.
The two tabs on the end, Reads and Watches, are an idea directly from my friend, Jenn. She happens to be a lot like me in that she cannot remember titles and authors because she reads a lot. So, she keeps a list -- a simple yearly list consisting of title, author and month. What a great idea!
One is Cast. This is still a work in progress--I put something together quickly to introduce my family. More content to follow--I promise!

I started thinking aloud -- but what about all the books I have read this year already? I would never be able to remember them to list them. And being the book-freak that I am, I wouldn't want to not list them if I read them this year.
Jenn suggested to start the list after the new year, Rosh Hashanah. Duh! Sometimes I am a little slow. Perfect place to start the list! So there you have it. Starting Rosh Hashanah, I will be logging what I read.
Tonight, as Rob and I started a Netflix movie, I decided to expand that idea to include movies and documentaries I watch as well. Hence, the Watches tabs. Of course, any recommendations in either category are welcomed!