Thoughts on the Occasion of a Birthday

Here I am.  Over the 40 hump.  I now get to say that I am in my 40s.  Turning 41 isn't so bad.  I woke up to Chandler singing me happy birthday, Rob making the lunches, Neviyah clinging to my chest, and Alia's gigantic birthday poster with a coupon for 5 foot massages and 6 back massages.  Does it get any better than that?!

The only thing that would have topped off the morning is if the business were doing a bit better.  We have hit a little rough patch, and it is causing me undue anxiety and stress.  However, if we don't include that little piece of worry, I fully expect this birthday to be on par with all the others.

There is nothing that makes me happier than spending time with my family, even if they are whiny and difficult.  I still value the time.  The great thing about birthdays is that for the most part, everyone is on best-behavior-mode. That means spending time with my family with a decreased chance of the whine factor! Yay, me!

I came into work today with a new looking office thanks to all the hard work I put in yesterday de-junking, de-baby-izing and rearranging.  Next step:  I need to take everything OFF the desktop and shelves and start that over -- I have paperwork everywhere, junk, gadgets, stuff, crap.  If I can get that done by the end of the week then next week is fresh and new, and I can focus better on ramping up business, preparing for our corporate taxes, and all that other end of year stuff I need to complete!

As I sign off here, sipping my completely-awesome golden pecan coffee from VJ Tea & Spice, I want to thank everyone who has impacted my life these last 41 years -- the good impacts, the difficult impacts, the ugly impacts, the inspirational impacts.  The culmination of all of these intersections in my life has been the watering ground upon which I continue to grow.  I am far from perfect, but you all have helped to shape me and place me on a path that is going in the right direction.

Love to you all!
